Second Harvest is proud to be part of the Spokane County Food Security Coalition, which recently launched a pilot emergency food box delivery program to better serve people facing hunger in Spokane County during the COVID-19 crisis. The pilot program runs through Dec. 29 and is funded by CARES Act dollars allocated by Spokane County. To learn more about the program, watch this video“Our Daily Bread: Fighting Food Insecurity with Compassion and Equity, by Rising River Media. 


The National Guard will demobilize from our Pasco Hunger Solution Center on Thursday, Dec. 17, as planned. However, National Guard members will continue assisting at the Spokane Hunger Solution Center through March 2021. The Spokane deployment will be considered for further extension beyond March, based on need, as well as other pandemic-related demands being placed on the service membersThe demobilization of the National Guard in Pasco will open volunteer opportunities at our Pasco Hunger Solution Center in January. Watch for volunteer registration updates on our blog and social media. Second Harvest is so fortunate to haveand continue to havethe incredible assistance, insights and inspiration the National Guard members have provided during this challenging time. 


Second Harvest will be closed Wednesday, Dec. 23, through Friday Dec. 25, for Christmas and Thursday, Dec. 31, through Friday, Jan. 1, to give volunteers and staff much-deserved rest over the holidays. If you’d like to drop off a year-end food or fund donation, please be sure to note these closures. You’re welcome to stop by during business hours on Dec. 21 and Dec. 22 or Dec. 28 through Dec. 30. 

We’re sometimes asked why we take extra days off during the holidays, and there are a few reasons. The first is that most of the food banks we supply distribute holiday food boxes the week before Christmas. This allows local volunteers to make sure that families have what they need before the holidays, and it also means that the volunteers get to take a well-deserved break for the holidays. At Second Harvest, our job is to make sure that local food banks are stocked up and ready for those distributions. This means that Second Harvest’s volunteers and staff also get to rest up and recover over the holidays. Due to the pandemic, we are shipping more food than ever to help people in need. We know there will be much more work to do in the New Year. 

Thank you all for your dedication and generosity that has helped so many of our neighbors in Eastern Washington and North Idaho persevere during this pandemic. We can’t find the words to express our gratitude. And here’s wishing you all a safe and healthy 2021. 

 To sign up to receive our COVID-19 updates via email, please click here.

Why I support Second Harvest: A donor’s story – February 23

Why I support Second Harvest: A donor’s story – February 23

Nothing is more important than having food on the table. To state the obvious, food—like shelter—is something without which we cannot survive. Second Harvest thus quite literally provides a lifeline for those whom my wife and I cannot feed directly. And it has done so for the nearly 40 years that we have supported Second Harvest. During this period we have seen not even a hint that their mission is diminishing in importance. On the contrary, the organization seems to be throwing out more and more lifelines to those in our midst who are in danger of sinking.

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Your guide to making tasty vegetable broth – February 16

Your guide to making tasty vegetable broth – February 16

Despite our best efforts to reduce food waste, it can sometimes be impossible to make it through a recipe without throwing away a carrot top or two. While it doesn’t feel like much at the time, you’d be surprised by how quickly the waste piles up. But fear not! You can easily transform those leftover vegetable scraps into delicious, homemade vegetable broth in just over an hour.

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Kids Cooking Camps – February 9

Kids Cooking Camps – February 9

Three times a year, we offer kids cooking camps that help support our programming year-round. These camps meet for two-hour sessions, Monday through Thursday, and are designed for kids ages 8-12. We pick a different theme for each camp so it’s always a new experience for our return campers. The kids get to eat what they make and take home cookbooks to recreate the recipes in their own kitchens.

Spending time in the kitchen is such a valuable tool for children as they develop their motor skills, social skills, confidence, and learn to problem solve. They practice basic skills like math and reading, too. We also focus on sharing nutrition knowledge through activities, discussions, and best of all, tasting how good nutritious foods like whole grains and vegetables can taste.

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Feeding Eastern Washington and North Idaho

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