Because of the COVID-19 crisis, children who are eligible for free or reduced-price school meals can receive extra food benefits called Pandemic-EBT, or P-EBT. P-EBT is a new and temporary food benefit to help families in Washington state buy food because schools were closed. For more information about the program, including how to apply, click here


Second Harvest continues to distribute fresh and frozen food supplies at schools across seven districts in the Greater Spokane area to meet the increased need for food assistance due to the COVID-19 crisis. Gonzaga University recently published an article and video about the weekly distributions their Center for Community Engagement helps with at Arlington Elementary in northeast Spokane. You can find out if a school near you is hosting distributions on the school’s communication channels. 


Second Harvest’s Chief of Staff, Drew Meuer, recently shared about the current need for food assistance, projected trends in the coming months and how to help our neighbors facing hunger in an interview with KHQ News. You can watch the interview here


“We serve in the community where we live. When you live in a community, you need to be fully integrated into that community. If there is a need in the community you can fill, why not do it?” 

Luis and his wife had never been to a food bank before the COVID-19 pandemic. But when they were both furloughed from their jobs, they suddenly found themselves struggling to afford food. After receiving help from a Mobile Market free food distribution, Luis decided to begin volunteering at Second Harvest. Even though he’s back to work, he continues to volunteer to help others in his community get through the crisis. Read more about Luis here

To sign up to receive our COVID-19 updates via email, please click here.

Your guide to making tasty vegetable broth – February 16

Your guide to making tasty vegetable broth – February 16

Despite our best efforts to reduce food waste, it can sometimes be impossible to make it through a recipe without throwing away a carrot top or two. While it doesn’t feel like much at the time, you’d be surprised by how quickly the waste piles up. But fear not! You can easily transform those leftover vegetable scraps into delicious, homemade vegetable broth in just over an hour.

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Kids Cooking Camps – February 9

Kids Cooking Camps – February 9

Three times a year, we offer kids cooking camps that help support our programming year-round. These camps meet for two-hour sessions, Monday through Thursday, and are designed for kids ages 8-12. We pick a different theme for each camp so it’s always a new experience for our return campers. The kids get to eat what they make and take home cookbooks to recreate the recipes in their own kitchens.

Spending time in the kitchen is such a valuable tool for children as they develop their motor skills, social skills, confidence, and learn to problem solve. They practice basic skills like math and reading, too. We also focus on sharing nutrition knowledge through activities, discussions, and best of all, tasting how good nutritious foods like whole grains and vegetables can taste.

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Cook up inspiration as a nutrition ambassador – January 26

Cook up inspiration as a nutrition ambassador – January 26

In The Kitchen, we host cooking classes every week that are free to the public — especially our neighbors facing hunger. We focus on recipes that are nutritious, affordable and use ingredients sourced from our very own warehouse. We want our neighbors to know all about the health benefits of those canned chickpeas they keep seeing on the shelf at the food pantry and how they can cook them.
To execute these cooking classes, our nutrition education team partners with a dynamite group of volunteers whom we call nutrition ambassadors.

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Feeding Eastern Washington and North Idaho

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