Working at Second Harvest
We measure our success by the way we care for people

Second Harvest Team Members

Get engaged
We don’t have job openings very often, but when we do, you’ll find them through the link below. We also encourage people to sign up for a volunteer shift if you want to get a better feel for what Second Harvest is like. We think there’s something cool and special about food banking. We are also grown up enough to recognize it isn’t for everyone. That’s okay too!

What is food banking?
Food banking is a mashup of a lot of good things. We rescue huge amounts of food before it goes to waste. Once rescued, we go about the hard, but rewarding, work of distributing many millions of pounds of food to people facing hunger each year. We do this with a relatively small group of amazing team members and a LOT of wonderful volunteers. Our generous donors make this work possible through the gifts they entrust us with and this is why we take accountability and responsibility so seriously.

Be the Swiss Army Knife
Everyone involved with Second Harvest is passionate about helping people in need. Hunger is one of those community problems we can face together and solve together. And while the mission is simple, clear, and inspiring, it requires a complex organization to do the work itself.
Our team members are engaged, flexible, and helpful to make the mission happen. That’s why one of the most important things we say at Second Harvest is “be the Swiss Army knife.”

Progress over perfection
Another saying you’ll hear around here is “pursue progress not perfection.” We’re not perfect, but we are clear about what’s most important. We believe caring for people is our number one duty.
We challenge everyone at Second Harvest to be humble, trustworthy, kind, grateful, and generous. We will always care for each person who works here. We will also challenge them to do their best work and to work hard. It’s not easy, but aren’t all good things just a little harder to do?

A place for everyone
We are incredibly fortunate to have amazing colleagues today and many have been here a long time. Sometimes Second Harvest is just a stop on someone’s journey, and that’s okay. We enjoy getting to know everyone. (It’s just extra special when they decide they want to be a food banker too.)
Our talent cup runneth over!
We’re in a sweet spot right now when it comes to our team of Swiss Army Knives. No open positions at the moment, but hey, good things come to those who wait! In the meantime, why not perfect your coffee brewing skills or master the art of paper airplane folding? You never know when those might come in handy!
Food banker (example position)
Position Description
Praesent vestibulum dapibus nibh. Mauris turpis nunc, blandit et, volutpat molestie, porta ut, ligula. Donec orci lectus, aliquam ut, faucibus non, euismod id, nulla. Ut a nisl id ante tempus hendrerit.
Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Nullam vel sem. Nulla facilisi. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus.